Top 5 Tips for Festival Organizers: Planning Medical and First Aid Cover


When organising a festival, ensuring the safety and well-being of attendees should be a top priority. One critical aspect is the provision of adequate medical and first aid cover. Here are five essential tips to help festival organisers plan and implement effective medical services for a successful and safe event.

Conduct a Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Before finalising any medical or first aid plans, conduct a thorough risk assessment specific to your festival. Consider factors such as the event size, location, anticipated attendance, activities, weather conditions, and historical incident data. Identifying potential risks will help you determine the appropriate level of medical support required as well as considering other controls to help reduce risk.

Engage Professional Medical Services

Partner with a reputable and experienced medical service provider to ensure high-quality care. Seek companies specialising in festival medical support or emergency medical services. Verify their qualifications, licenses, and insurance coverage. The purple guide recommends you choose a CQC regulated firm for all but the smallest low risk events. Communicate your event's specific requirements and collaborate closely to design a medical response plan tailored to your festival's needs.

Develop a Medical Response Plan

Work together with your medical service provider to create a comprehensive medical plan. Outline protocols for handling various medical emergencies, from minor injuries to critical incidents. Establish clear communication channels, define roles and responsibilities, and designate medical treatment areas. Train your staff and volunteers on the plan, ensuring they understand the procedures and their roles in assisting medical personnel such as where to find medical help on site or what details to record if they receive a first aid request over the radio.

Establish Well-Equipped Medical Stations

Set up strategically located medical or first aid stations throughout the festival grounds, the number and size of these will depend upon the size of the site and number of attendees. Ensure they are easily accessible, well-signed, out of direct line from speakers and clearly visible to attendees. These stations should be equipped with necessary medical supplies, including first aid kits, AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators), emergency medication and essential life-saving equipment. Consider the potential need for specialised resources, such as hydration stations or cooling areas for hot weather events or warming areas for cold weather.

Communicate and Educate Attendees

Promote a culture of safety and well-being among festival attendees by effectively communicating the availability of medical services. Include information about first aid locations, emergency contact numbers, and any on-site medical personnel in festival guides, maps, and signage. Encourage attendees to seek medical assistance for any health concerns promptly. Additionally, consider offering educational materials or workshops on basic first aid and harm reduction practices to empower attendees to look out for one another.


Ensuring sufficient medical and first aid cover at festivals is crucial for the safety and overall success of the event. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, engaging professional medical services, developing a comprehensive response plan, establishing well-equipped medical stations, and effectively communicating with attendees, festival organisers can create a secure environment that prioritizes the well-being of all participants. Remember, proactive planning and collaboration with medical professionals are key to hosting a successful and safe festival experience.


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