Dr Google's Diagnosis: UK's Top 5 Googled Medical Conditions
Top 5 most Googled medical conditions. In an entertaining format. Starting with Colds, Flu, Anxiety, Depression and still lingering Covid.
My child has a rash, how do I know if the rash is serious?
Has your child got a rash you are worried about? Not sure if the rash is serious?
Is bronchitis contagious?
In bronchitis contagious? What is bronchitis? Find out about the causes and treatment for bronchitis.
Causes of Back pain and treatment options
Common back pain causes, treatment options and how to prevent back conditions. Back pain can impact your life and can be hard to treat.
Should I be worried about a my headache?
I’ve got a headache; should I be worried? Are you concerned about a headache? Not sure if it's something minor or a bit more sinister. Here’s a brief overview about different headaches and when to speak to a medical professional.