Skiing Accident - Medical Evacuation by Air Ambulance

If you are stuck in the mountains in a small hospital having had a bad accident and you just want to get home we can assist.

We carry out medical evacuation or repatriation from anywhere in Europe by the most appropriate or cost effective means whether thats by road ambulance, air ambulance or on a commercial flight with a nurse or paramedic escort.

For commercial repatriation you are required to gain medical clearance prior to flying. We will guide you through the process, completing the necessary documentation for the airline, translating any notes and will assist in arranging onward treatment in the destination country. All of our Paramedics and Nurses are experienced clinicians. You can be assured you will be in safe hands.

To find out more about our air ambulance services, commercial repatriation or ground ambulance please get in touch to discuss your needs.

We provide free advice to help you ensure you or your family member gets home safely as quickly as possible.


Event Medical Cover Challenges


Last chance to book for December 2021