Private Ambulance to Care Homes in St Albans

We’re excited to announce our new winter ambulance services for care homes and nursing homes. Basically, we are setting aside dedicated resources to assist with winter pressures on a private basis to clients in the St Albans area focussed on supporting care homes and nursing homes.

We are offering tech and paramedic ambulances for transfers to private or NHS hospitals, we also have registered paramedic responders and specialist falls teams who can check patients over and decide on their best care pathways or say they are safe to go back to bed.

We know that the NHS ambulance service is struggling to meet its targets in the local area. St Albans doesn’t have a permanent ambulance on station. There is one paramedic response car located near us, which means as a city our resources are relatively low.

With winter coming we all know call volumes are scheduled to increase and it’s the weak and elderly who are unfortunately most at risk. We have set aside some dedicated resources for the local St Albans area. We are not currently responding to Cardiac Arrests but can supply paramedic crews and responders to assess service users and refer to the most appropriate pathway with an aim of helping to keep them out of A&E. We also have tech crews capable of bringing in new tenants or transferring between other hospitals, care homes and nursing homes.

Dave Hawkins

As a top tier Squarespace Expert and founder of Made by Dave, I bring over 8 years of Squarespace experience and 200+ bespoke website launches. Our process combines consultancy, design, project management and development for a collaborative and efficient experience with clients like you. Whether you need a new website or updates for your existing site, we'll help you get up and running.

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Long Distance Ambulance Transfers