Private Ambulance Service & Event Medical Cover by MET Medical

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Stuck abroad during the Pandemic

As a business, we deal with many patients who have fallen ill abroad. We have heard some horror stories. If you are stuck abroad without travel insurance we can help.

We will establish whether you or your family member its fit to fly on a normal flight. If you are ill or injured the airline will need a ‘fit to fly letter’ and we can help you obtain one. We will guide you through all the options. As a listed supplier for the foreign office, we offer free support and advice to all UK nationals.

There are a number of options depending on the seriousness of the injury or illness. From moving to another city or country nearby for stabilising until you are fit to fly to hiring a private air ambulance.

We carry out commercial repatriations where we will send out a medical escort to bring you home on a commercial flight. We can even arrange inflight oxygen with the airline.

Sometimes the medical need is greater than what can be handled on a commercial flight and in this case we would arrange for an air ambulance. We’re guided by the Civil Aviation Authority’s guidelines.

We’re often asked how much this costs and it all depends on the distance primarily due to the cost of aviation fuel. A flight from the nearer parts of France to the UK will cost somewhere around £10,000 whereas flights from Asia can reach over £150,000. If an aircraft happens to be near your location then there can be savings.

Unfortunately, the Coronavirus pandemic has reduced the options in relation to both commercial flights as airlines are restricted from flying and also air ambulance and business jet charters. Sadly a number of aircraft operators have fallen victim to the virus and some are not able to fly into certain areas. There have also been global supply issues around blood donors and medical supplies.

Please get in touch with us if you are stuck abroad currently. We will be able to help.