Private Ambulance Service & Event Medical Cover by MET Medical

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St Albans Ambulance Service Announce Plans to recruit local residents to help fight the Coronavirus

St Albans based ambulance firm MET Medical, announce plans to recruit and train local residents to help with the fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic and to keep our health service running in times of extreme demand.

The company has launched its plans to spend the next few weeks giving local residents essential, accredited first responder training to help bolster their support for the NHS in the current crisis and to help save lives in the local area..

Anyone who is fit and well, who doesn’t fall into the high risk categories can apply to join them. They will receive training for free and will then be eligible to work with qualified ambulance staff to do their bit for the community. There will also be future career options should anyone wish to stay involved when the health service is back on its feet again

Dave Hawkins Managing Director of MET Medical says, “I was talking to my friend who was about to come out of isolation having had symptoms of the virus. He said he wanted to get involved in helping in the local area but weren’t sure how, that was when I had the idea to open up this opportunity”


Hawkins says, “Things are going to get a lot worse over the next few weeks and months and anything we can do to help those at most risk is going to ultimately save lives”.

MET Medical is an independent ambulance service, regulated by the Care Quality and contracted to a range of hospitals and frontline services.

If you would like to find out more about this opportunity visit